Understanding India’s Palm Oil Imports

Understanding India’s Palm Oil Imports: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

Recent Trends and Global Position

In December, India’s palm oil imports surged to their highest levels in four months, underlining its significant position as the top importer of palm oil in Asia. Globally, India accounts for about 15% of palm oil imports, followed by China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Origin and Production of Palm Oil

Scientific and Geographical Insights:

  • Scientific Name: Elaeis guineensis.
  • Common Names: Palm oil, derived from the fruit of oil palm trees.
  • Geographical Distribution: Native to West and Central Africa, oil palm trees are extensively cultivated in Malaysia and Indonesia, the primary sources of India’s palm oil.

Another Name for Palm Oil

  • Palm oil is also known as “red palm oil” due to its reddish color when extracted from the fruit of oil palms

palm oil comedogenic rating

The comedogenic rating of palm oil is moderate, which means it has the potential to clog pores and cause acne in some individuals

Palm Oil Meaning in Hindi:

  • In Hindi, palm oil is called “ताड़ का तेल” (Tad ka tel).

Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO):

CSPO refers to palm oil produced following sustainable practices, minimizing environmental impact and supporting local communities

companies that use palm oil in their products

  • Nichols PLC: A global beverage company that uses palm oil in soft drinks and juices
  • Skippy’s Peanut Butter: Some peanut butter brands use palm oil as an alternative to artificial trans fats
  • Max Factor: This cosmetic company uses palm oil in lipsticks and other beauty products
  • Colgate-Palmolive: They use palm oil, palm kernel oil, and derivatives in soaps, toothpaste, and household cleaners. Colgate is committed to sourcing sustainable palm oil by 2030
  • Hershey’sMars, and Cadbury also use palm oil in their products

Uses and Applications of Palm Oil

Palm Kernel Oil:

  • This oil is extracted from the seeds of the oil palm tree and is a staple in the production of various edible products like margarine, ice cream, and cookies.

Culinary and Commercial Uses:

  • Palm kernel oil enhances the flavor and texture of a wide array of products, making it a versatile component in both sweet and savory items.

Economic Impact and India’s Import Partners

Palm oil significantly boosts the economies of producing countries and plays a crucial role in India’s agricultural and industrial sectors. India mainly imports palm oil from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, leveraging long-established trade relations.

National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP)

Scheme Overview:

  • The NMEO-OP, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, aims to reduce India’s dependency on imports by enhancing domestic palm oil production, particularly focusing on the North East and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Financial Allocation: Rs.11,040 crore, with a goal to expand oil palm cultivation by an additional 6.5 lakh hectares by 2025-26.

Who Imports the Most Palm Oil?

Globally, India is one of the top importers of palm oil. In terms of quantity, India, China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are the largest buyers,

India’s Import Rank and Its Main Import Partners

India is the largest importer of palm oil in Asia, primarily sourcing from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. These countries are well-known for their vast palm oil plantations and contribute significantly to their national economies through this export.

National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP)

The Indian government has initiated the National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP) to boost domestic production of palm oil and reduce dependency on imports. This centrally sponsored scheme emphasizes development in the North East and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with a budget of Rs.11,040 crore.

Who Imports Palm Oil in India?

In India, the importers of palm oil are predominantly large trading companies and enterprises involved in the food industry. These include:

  1. FMCG Companies: Many fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies import palm oil as a key ingredient for products such as snacks, margarine, confections, and instant noodles.
  2. Food Manufacturers: Companies that produce processed foods, baked goods, and confectioneries rely heavily on palm oil due to its versatility and stability.
  3. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Manufacturers: Palm oil is used in the manufacture of soaps, shampoos, lotions, and other personal care items.
  4. Biofuel Producers: Some of the palm oil imported into India is used in the production of biofuels as a part of efforts to create more sustainable energy sources.


Where Does India Get Palm Oil From?

India primarily imports palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia, the world’s top two palm oil-producing countries. These nations are favored due to their proximity and the established trade relations they share with India.


India’s Palm Oil Imports in 2021

In 2021, India’s palm oil imports saw fluctuations due to global market changes and domestic demand shifts. However, India consistently remained one of the top importers on the global stage.

Biggest Importer of Palm Oil in India

The biggest importers within India are conglomerates involved in the food production and retail sectors, who utilize palm oil for various edible products and in food preparation.

India Palm Oil Import from Malaysia

Malaysia, as one of the top exporters, plays a crucial role in meeting India’s palm oil demand. The trade agreements between India and Malaysia facilitate the import of palm oil at competitive prices, impacting the local markets in India.