About NB8:

  • The NB8 is a regional cooperation format involving eight countries
    • Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
    • Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.


      Difference between the Nordic and Baltic countries:

      1. Nordic Countries:
        • The Nordic countries include the countries Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.
        • Geographically, Scandinavian refers to the region in the peninsula that encompasses the major countries of Norway, Sweden, and partially Finland.
        • All these three related languages have one similar word as Swedes, Norwegians, and the Danes call their area “skandinavien” the very same area that in early days was the home of the Norse people, which included Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
        • Normally, it could be Danish, Norwegians, and Swedes that you meet and refer to themselves as Scandinavian.
        • Iceland and Finland are two of the countries that are classified as Nordic on account of their affiliations with the Nordic nations in terms of history and culture.
      1. Baltic Countries:
        • The Baltic countries are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
        • These countries lie along the Baltic Sea, but they are not considered Scandinavian or Nordic.
        • The Baltic states have experienced influences from Nordic cultures, given their northern positioning.
        • In contrast, the Balkan countries (located in southeastern Europe) have been influenced by a diverse array of civilizations, including the Byzantine, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires.
      1. Nordic-Baltic Community:
        • The Nordic-Baltic region brings together all five Nordic countries and the Baltic countries under the same umbrella.
        • This community has a combined GDP of close to $2.0 trillion, making it the fifth-largest economy in Europe.

      In summary, while the Nordic countries have Scandinavian roots, the Baltic countries are distinct and have their own unique cultural and historical backgrounds

  • These countries share geographical proximity and have deep historical, social, economic, and cultural ties.
  • Most Nordic countries are EU members, except Iceland and Norway, which are part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Importance of NB8:

NB8 and India:

  • India’s cooperation with NB8 countries is growing, including partnerships like:
    • India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership
    • India-Norway Task Force on Blue Economy
    • Sustainability and ICT cooperation with Finland
    • ‘LeadIT’ initiative with Sweden
  • Cooperation spans fields such as innovation, green transition, maritime, health, intellectual property rights, new technologies, space cooperation, and AI.
  • Trade and investment between India and the NB8 region are increasing.
  • Security in the Nordic-Baltic region is linked with the Indo-Pacific.

India’s Interest in the Nordic Region:

Geopolitical Interests:

  1. Political Cooperation and Global Governance:
    • Democratic Values and Human Rights: Shared commitment to democracy and human rights.
    • United Nations Reforms: Both advocate for inclusive and representative global institutions.
  2. Arctic Affairs:
    • Observer Status in the Arctic Council: India seeks to collaborate on Arctic research, climate change, and sustainable resource use.

Geo-economic Interests:

  1. Trade and Investment:
    • Bilateral Trade: Key partners in technology, green energy, and pharmaceuticals.
    • Investment: Significant sources of FDI in clean energy, IT, and manufacturing.
  2. Technological and Research Collaboration:
    • Innovation Partnerships: Focus on IT, biotechnology, and clean energy.
    • Sustainability and Green Technologies: Collaboration on sustainable urban planning, waste management, and renewable energy.

Geostrategic Interests:

  1. Maritime Security:
    • Indian Ocean Region: Potential collaboration in maritime security and ensuring free sea lanes.
  2. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability:
    • Climate Action Collaboration: Joint efforts in climate mitigation, adaptation, and environmental management.
    • Polar Research: Collaborative research in the Arctic and Antarctic.
  3. Defense and Security:
    • Defense Cooperation: Potential partnerships in defense technology and procurement.
    • Cybersecurity: Joint efforts to protect digital infrastructure and combat cyber threats.

Benefits of Cooperation:

For India:

  • Technological Advancement: Leveraging NB8 expertise in advanced technologies, digitization, and green tech to boost India’s innovation capacity.
  • Economic Growth: Increased trade and investment opportunities with advanced economies, supporting economic growth and job creation in India.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Access to sustainable practices and technologies from NB8 countries to enhance India’s environmental management and green transition efforts.
  • Strategic Security: Strengthening maritime security and defense collaboration, enhancing India’s strategic capabilities in the Indian Ocean and beyond.
  • Research and Development: Joint R&D initiatives in crucial areas like climate change, health, and new technologies, fostering scientific and technological progress.

For NB8 Countries:

  • Market Expansion: Access to India’s vast market, providing opportunities for business expansion and economic growth.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Strengthening geopolitical alliances with a key player in the Indo-Pacific region, promoting stability and security.
  • Innovation Collaboration: Collaborative innovation projects, especially in IT, biotech, and clean energy, driving technological advancements and economic benefits.
  • Cultural Exchange: Deepening cultural ties and understanding through increased cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.

Key Areas of Focus:

Green Transition: A major area of cooperation for the two nations would be in harnessing sustainable energy technologies, management of waste and environmental protection.

Digital Transformation: Collaboration in the delivery of it, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure systems.

Health and Biotechnology: Collaboration of the Ministry, public organizations, independent research institutions, and global pharmaceutical companies in the development of health care and biotechnology.

Maritime and Space Cooperation: Improving the general aptitudes in the outer space security, ocean security, and other related innovations.

Economic and Trade Relations: Enhancing the volume of exports and imports, investment, and overall economic cooperation for returns in both countries.



Nordic countries so happy

The preoccupation with happiness in Nordic countries is the topic of interest and one must agree with the statement that there are quite a number of possible explanations as to why these countries are always happy. Let’s delve into the reasons behind their happiness

Quality of Institutions:

Nordic countries including Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland have prioritized such aspects as the access to reliable and broad welfarist benefits, low levels of corruption, as well as the efficient organization of a democracy and effective states.

These well established institutions contribute to the necessary foundations of the support of its citizens inclusive of health care, education, and social security.

Autonomy and Freedom:


Nordic citizens experience a high sense of autonomy and freedom

Social Trust:

Living in this region, people have a great level of confidence in other citizens.

Public trust is refreshing and vital for stability with regard to institutions and the neighbors.

Balanced Lifestyle:

The Nordics value wo- work and balance and can be considered as a quality of life countries.

It is brought about by attributes such as free education, good health hence free healthcare, and low incidence of crime.

Strong Economy:

These nations are also developed with prosperity, which creates more stability, and numerous opportunities for ventures.


The NB8 and India stands to benefit from enhanced diplomatic cooperation to embrace various fields of collaboration. Organizations can subsequently enhance significant advantages in innovation, economical gains, environmentalism, and strategic safety by collaborating on their strengths. A more successful cooperation has implications not only for deepening the partnership between the countries, but also for increasing stability and economic development throughout the world.