golden trevally upsc

Golden Trevally: An In-Depth Look

Physical Characteristics


Golden Trevally in News

Are Golden Trevally Good Eating?

Is Golden Trevally Good to Eat?

Golden Trevally Size Limit in QLD

What Do Golden Trevally Eat?

Golden Trevally in Chinese

In Chinese, golden trevally is often referred to as 金鲹 (jīn zhēn), highlighting its golden coloration. It is a popular species in Chinese cuisine and is often featured in various traditional dishes.

Golden Trevally vs. Giant Trevally

Golden Trevally Fish in Malayalam

In Malayalam, golden trevally is known as പൊന്നി മീൻ (ponni meen). It is a well-regarded species in Kerala’s coastal regions, both for its culinary and ornamental value.

Golden Trevally Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay in Queensland is a popular fishing spot for golden trevally. The region’s rich marine biodiversity makes it an ideal location for recreational fishing enthusiasts targeting this species.

Golden Trevally Fish in Tamil

In Tamil, golden trevally is called பொன்னி மீன் (ponni meen). It holds a significant place in the local fishing industry and is a common sight in Tamil Nadu’s fish markets.

Golden Trevally in Malay

In Malay, golden trevally is referred to as ikan kenari. It is a popular species in Malaysian waters and is often featured in local seafood dishes.

Golden Trevally in Arabic

In Arabic, golden trevally is known as سمك النعناع الذهبي (samak al-na’na’ al-dhahabi). It is a sought-after species in the Middle Eastern markets, prized for its flavor and texture.

Golden Trevally Size Limit in WA

Golden Trevally Fraser Island

Gold Spot Trevally Eating

Golden Trevally Belongs to Which Species?


Golden Trevally Legal Size in WA

Golden Trevally IUCN Status


Golden Trevally in Tagalog

In Tagalog, golden trevally is known as trevalyang ginto. It is a popular fish in the Philippines, both for its food value and as a game fish.
