TRISHNA Mission UPSC: A Comprehensive Guide

About TRISHNA Mission

  • Collaboration: TRISHNA is a collaborative endeavour between ISRO and CNES.
  • Purpose: It is engineered to deliver high spatial and high temporal resolution monitoring of Earth’s surface temperature, emissivity, biophysical, and radiation variables for surface energy budgeting at regional to global scales.

Objectives of TRISHNA Mission

  1. Energy and Water Budgets: Detailed monitoring of the energy and water budgets of the continental biosphere for quantifying terrestrial water stress and water use, and high-resolution observation of water quality and dynamics in coastal and inland waters.
  2. Water and Food Security: Addressing critical water and food security challenges, focusing on the impacts of human-induced climate change and efficient water resource management through evapotranspiration monitoring.
  3. Urban and Environmental Monitoring: Comprehensive assessment of urban heat islands, detection of thermal anomalies linked to volcanic activity and geothermal resources, and precise monitoring of snow-melt runoff and glacier dynamics.
  4. Climate Monitoring: Providing valuable data on aerosol optical depth, atmospheric water vapour, and cloud cover. Tracking key indicators such as droughts, permafrost changes, and evapotranspiration rates.

Scientific and Societal Benefits

  • Agricultural Water Management: Assess irrigation water use, issue advisories for water savings, and enhance crop water productivity.
  • Climate Monitoring: Track indicators like droughts and permafrost changes.
  • Urban Planning: Benefit from detailed urban heat island maps and heat alerts.
  • Water Quality Monitoring: Detect pollution in coastal and inland water bodies and identify sub-marine groundwater discharge.
  • Cryosphere Monitoring: Evaluate snow cover and snow-melt patterns.

TRISHNA Mission Payloads

  1. Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) Payload: CNES & Onera supplied and equipped with a four channel long wave infrared imaging sensor for high resolution surface temperature and emissivity mapping.
  2. Visible – Near Infra-Red – Short Wave Infra-Red (VNIR-SWIR) Payload: ISRO designed NAVICP, which alone contains seven spectral bands for clear surface reflectance measurement.

TRISHNA Mission Collaboration with

TRISHNA Mission in Hindi

TRISHNA मिशन एक संयुक्त पहल है जो भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (इसरो) और फ्रांसीसी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी CNES के बीच है। यह मिशन उच्च-रिज़ॉल्यूशन थर्मल इमेजिंग के माध्यम से जलवायु और संसाधन प्रबंधन में सुधार करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।

TRISHNA Mission Related To

TRISHNA Mission Kya Hai

TRISHNA मिशन क्या है? TRISHNA मिशन का उद्देश्य उच्च-रिज़ॉल्यूशन थर्मल इमेजिंग के माध्यम से पृथ्वी की सतह के तापमान, उत्सर्जकता, और जैव-भौतिकीय और विकिरणीय चर का निगरानी करना है। यह सतह ऊर्जा बजटिंग के लिए क्षेत्रीय से वैश्विक पैमाने पर कार्य करता है।

TRISHNA Mission Collaboration with Which Country

The TRISHNA mission is a collaborative effort between India and France. Specifically, it is a joint mission of ISRO and CNES, aiming to combine the expertise and technological capabilities of both nations in the field of space research and remote sensing.

TRISHNA Mission is Under

The TRISHNA mission is under the purview of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the French National Space Agency CNES. This mission exemplifies international cooperation in space technology and research.

TRISHNA Mission UPSC in Hindi

UPSC में TRISHNA मिशन: TRISHNA मिशन UPSC परीक्षाओं के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय है क्योंकि यह जलवायु परिवर्तन, जल संसाधन प्रबंधन, और कृषि जल प्रबंधन जैसे महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों को संबोधित करता है। इसके तहत इसरो और फ्रांसीसी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी के बीच सहयोग शामिल है।


The TRISHNA mission is one of ISRO’s significant initiatives aimed at enhancing remote sensing capabilities. By focusing on high-resolution thermal imaging, ISRO aims to provide valuable data for water and food security, climate monitoring, and efficient water resource management.

Satellite Mission TRISHNA is For

TRISHNA Mission Full Form

The full form of TRISHNA is Thermal Infra-Red Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural Resource Assessment. This name reflects the mission’s focus on utilizing thermal infrared imaging technology to assess natural resources with high precision.

TRISHNA Mission India and France Collaboration

Detailed Overview of the TRISHNA Mission

Recently, ISRO provided details on the Indo-French Thermal Infrared Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural Resource Assessment (TRISHNA) Mission. Here is an in-depth look at the mission:
