India’s Seabed Exploration Initiative

India has recently applied to the International Seabed Authority (ISBA) in Jamaica for the rights to explore two extensive tracts in the Indian Ocean seabed. This move is imperative as India focuses on the country’s strategic ends and underwater resources and wealth advantage in near future.

Overview of India’s Exploration Applications

  • Afanasy Nikitin Seamount (AN Seamount):
  • Carlsberg Ridge:

Sri Lanka’s Claims and International Context

  • Sri Lanka’s Claims: The location India has applied for involves an area that is located within a region that Sri Lanka has submitted to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.
  • Other Applications: Nevertheless, India’s interest in Carlsberg Ridge also underlines its multifaceted focus on seabed exploration for those zones that contain essential mineral resources.

Afanasy Nikitin Seamount Location

  • Geographical Position: .
  • Structural Features: It is an extensive piece of ‘shelf’ geology and measures 400 Km in length by 150 Km width with the main plateau reaching up to 1 200m above the ocean floor which is at an average depth of 4 800m.

What is the Definition of Seamount?

  • Seamount Definition:
  • Ecological Importance: Features of seamounts and their topographical characteristics likely allow for these special and distinct biogeographic habitats, such as coral reefs and sponge gardens.

Where is a Seamount Located?

  • Global Distribution: Seamounts can be found in various oceanic regions around the world. They are typically located along mid-ocean ridges, hotspots, and volcanic arcs.
  • Example: The Afanasy Nikitin Seamount is located in the Central Indian Basin, highlighting the distribution of seamounts in the Indian Ocean.

Seamount is Similar To

  • Underwater Mountains: Seamount is roughly similar to underwater volcano, which stands out from the sea floor and can rise several hundred meters, but does not reach the water surface.
  • Ecological Hotspots: Seamounts can also be home to tropical and temperate corals, fish, other marine organisms, and bacteria because these structures serve as habitat and feeding grounds and source of nutrients.

Rights over Continental Shelf and Maritime Zones

  • India’s Continental Shelf Claim:
  • Exploration Rights: In the event that India is approved to pursue this claim then India shall have the right of first refusal in the exploration and exploitation of any natural resource in this expanded continental shelf area.
  • Maritime Zones Defined:

Significance of Seamounts

  • Geological Significance: With the formation of these structures such as Afanasy Nikitin seamount one can have some understanding of geological structures such as volcanism and plate tectonics.
  • Resource Potential: Seamounts are typically also rich in minerals; many of them hold important schemes for deep-sea mining.

India’s Strategic Maritime Expansion

Economic and Strategic Benefits

  • Resource Extraction: Exploration and the subsequent exploitation of minerals for instance cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper, gold, silver and Zinc has the potential to add value by increasing resource reserve and decreasing import dependency of the country and enhancing the overall industry of India.
  • Technological Advancement: Thus practicing deep sea explorations helps develop technologies related to marine which is helpful for research sectors, defense sectors and even in protection of environment.
  • Geopolitical Influence: Through affiliation to protection exclusive rights to explore and to seek to exploit broad oceanic tracks, India boosts its geopolitical stakes within the Indian Ocean which is a significant strategic region owing to the increasing trading routes and economic resource endowments.

Environmental Considerations and Sustainability

Technological and Scientific Endeavors

  • Scientific Research:
  • Innovation in Marine Technology:

Legal and Policy Framework

  • International Regulations: The exploration activities in India are being dictated by several international legal frameworks, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) with the goal of defining the rights and bearing of the nations with regard to the utilization of sea resources.
  • National Policies: India is also required to establish an effective legal framework to address its national maritime claims, national laws, and international obligations in order to address its maritime concerns, both in the regional and global context.

Future Prospects

Potential Challenges

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Such territorial conflicts, for example with Sri Lanka, will presuppose geopolitical tensions in which relations require delicate mediation.
  • Technological Hurdles: Offshore work means deep-sea exploration and extraction which is very complex and involves a lot of risk hence technical advancement and capital intensive to embark on.
  • Environmental Risks: The managerial issue of preventing negative impacts on marine life during exploration is a major task which requires ri diculous standards to be introduced and upheld for environmental protection.
